Lallemand Koln Kolsch yeast dfried 11gm


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SKU: 9767485 Category:

LalBrew Köln is ideal for brewing traditional Kölsch-style beers and other neutral ales. The neutral character of this strain accentuates delicate hop aromas while imparting subtle fruity esters. Through expression of a beta-glucosidase enzyme LalBrew Köln can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. Colder fermentations will be more neutral in character, while warmer fermentations will have more fruit-forward ester profile.


Classified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a top fermenting yeast.

Typical Analysis of LalBrew Köln yeast:

  • Percent solids 93% – 97%
  • Viability ≥ 1 x 109 CFU per gram of dry yeast
  • Wild Yeast < 1 per 106 yeast cells
  • Diastaticus Negative
  • Bacteria < 1 per 106 yeast cells
  • Finished product is released to the market only after passing a rigorous series of tests.


In Lallemand’s Standard Conditions Wort at 20°C (68°F) LalBrew Köln yeast exhibits:

  • Fermentation that can be completed in 7 days, a bit slower than most ale strains. This is perfectly characteristic of this strain.
  • Medium to High Attenuation and Medium Flocculation
  • Neutral to slightly fruity and estery flavor and aroma
  • The optimal temperature range for LalBrew Köln yeast when producing
  • This strain is POF Negative
  • Traditional styles is 15 – 25°C (59 – 77°F)
  • Lag phase can be longer compared to other ale strains, ranging from 24-36 hours

Lag phase, total fermentation time, attenuation and flavor are dependent on pitch rate, yeast handling, fermentation temperature and nutritional quality of the wort.

Weight 0.0135 kg