Weyermann Dark Wheat

$4.80 per kg

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Brew Bag #*
SKU: 454269X Category:

Made from the finest German quality wheat. Aromatic and mild dark wheat malt.

Sensory: Bread, nut, pastry, honey, toffee and caramel notes

Special malt for top-fermented beer styles, typical for:

  • Wheat beer; Amber wheat, Dunkles Weizen, Weizenbock, American Wheat Wine, Lambic and Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Witbier
  • Strong Ale; Wheat Wine

Recommended addition: up to 50%

Enzyme activity: medium


15,0 – 20,0 EBC

6.1 – 8.0 Lovibond

Weight 1.005 kg
Dimensions 13 × 19 × 8 cm